Sunrise walks are back. Richmond Park is supposed to be filled with deer and today i saw a family of them! Fall is also officially upon us as you can tell by the one lone red tree amongst the green, haha
Although today i never really felt present - I honestly felt pretty low on energy. I’m usually psyched about sunrise walks, especially back in the US. Even though it’s only Wednesday, i really needed a reset day and i have to remind myself sometimes that’s alright. I was listening to JJ Redick’s podcast, The Old Man and the Three, with guest Demar Derozan, and they were talking about mental health. As professional athletes, it was hard for them to find true happiness because of the internal pressure to be great. I feel that pressure as well to do something new, explore, and be productive because my time in London is not permanent. However, what i have failed to remind myself is it’s okay to fill up your battery and not go out to central London every day; you don’t have to power your way through everything. Sometimes staying close to Richmond can be a new experience as well (and avoiding transportation is cost-saving).
I went back to Dharma to edit some responsibilities i should’ve given more time to from the US, and Caleb actually just happened to be visiting the Knoops branch in Richmond (he works for the hot chocolate brand’s social accounts). I had a nice coffee chat with him and that actually gave me energy. Mateusz (not pictured), a barista i met Sunday who works at Dharma, actually also came in on his day off. We had a nice chat getting to know each other and he’s actually a Polish dancer that works as a barista part-time. Crazy to think if i hadn’t given myself some respite and stayed in Richmond today, i wouldn’t have had these energy-filling interactions.
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