Unwell after the nightclub lol.
Woke up at noon and Freja and i went to the coffee shop, Dharma, in Richmond Mederic recommended - it was great getting to know my roommate more and she’s doing some dope ass shit. Also walked around Richmond and shopped a little bit. Richmond’s actually a cute village. I bought a plant waterer and Freja bought a pot. More growth🌱
I had my first Sunday roast with Samet. It’s basically a thanksgiving dinner.
Going back to Coventry since Emily invited me to go to the Lake District (British Yellowstone) for a week with Ian (in case you haven't been following through all the entry  and her boyfriend, Martin. Sat next to a girl, Sarah, from Rugby on the train back to Coventry. Asked her what music she’s listening to and she got embarrassed (Christmas JB still killin' it). She was also massively hungover bc she had a weekend bender, especially Saturday going from 2pm-6am.
Also, a random guy was wearing an Iowa shirt at the train station. I said “Go Hawks!” He looked confused. He’s fully British and has no idea what the shirt means - he bought it for the aesthetic :(
Still cool to see other people rocking with Iowa tho.
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